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Demo Pack

Demopack is considered to be the first Egyptian manufacturing concern the field of direct print on the different types of bottles, in a very short time Demopack competies in this field not only among the middle east but also out products could won in the global market share battle, after along journey full of efforts, effectively and efficiently nowadays Demopack holds place in the market share offcourse without the opportunities our beautiful country Egypt and our effective courage government we couldn’t make any progress, and Demopack will never forgot the huge rule played by out loyal customers as all the time we are considering their statify and their needs to be our first priority ever, Demopack is not that kind of profits organization the main aim is to share in encouraging our country growth rate and to gain a higher interest in the global marketplace through obtaining a major investment by selling the best products with affordable prices. 
And simply this is us Demopack

Our Philosophy


A very short effective equation 
Perfect products + affordable prices= customers satisfaction which is our aim 
Demopack always seeks for building the largest customer base in the middle east by offering all their needs , wants and by finding Demopack supporting them in every single moments they may face


@2020 Demo Pack

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